美国人对专政的想象永远停留在史前时代结尾的happy ending怎么看都像是大数据算出来的另外林白家族的名誉不能诋毁所以夫人的形象十分光伟正夫死国丧也能扭转时局倒是结尾最后的几个镜头有些意思无论选民如何努力民主法西斯总是会把一张张选票付之一炬暗黑时代japonensis18一20总是资产阶级代议制无可避免的幽暗魂灵
Ah, so Midsommar was inspired by this! Powerful, distinctive portrayal of an otherworldly village where paganism beliefs have seeped in everywhere and every person functions as part of an organic whole. The affability and peacefulness visible to the eyes are all the more horrifying when underlain by sinister intentions. As we learn everything through the sergeant's eyes, the identification has been built up throughout the entire film and therefore the final wicker man scene comes even harder and stronger, leaving us shiver in total hopelessness. (When the sergeant shouts desperately 'can't you see there is no sun god!', does he have a fleeting doubt about his Lord Jesus Christ too?)